What is Infesting Your Home, Yellow Jackets or Hornets?

If you have wasp infestation it is necessary that you know what you are dealing with. Without knowing anything about the type and kind of wasp infestation it is difficult to predict the outcome. Wasps can cause trouble at various levels and the level and volume of the trouble will depend on what kind of wasp is causing it. For an example a yellow jacket wasp is more dangerous than paper wasp or mud-dauber and hornets’ stings can turn lethal if it is a group of them attacking the residents. You have to separate the bad from the worst so you could chalk out an extermination plan that would work well for a particular infestation. If you have any kind of wasp infestation which is giving you trouble, you are better advised to call professionals such as BBPP, most effective wasps nest removal Richmond Hill and also for other near lying towns to get rid of them.

Appearance of wasps

There are many species of wasps infesting North America but they are two most commonest wasps namely paper wasps and bald faced hornets that occupy homes compulsorily. Wasps tend to be more dangerous than the honey bee, and they are longer, thinner and sleeker than the fellow inhabitant thus prove extremely quick and evasive. They are not hairy and have four wings and are smooth looking than bees. Wasps unlike bees do not lose their stingers after a bite or sting, thus are able to sting multiple times. Multiple times mean that much venom going in to the skin and causing dangerous consequences. By appearance they all look similar from a distance, but you can identify them by their nests that hugely differ from each other.

Different wasps build different shaped nests

Paper wasps

The name paper wasp is derived by the paper like material they use to build their nests. Nests are built by fertile female wasps at the onset of spring, and after the queen have come out of long sabbatical taken during winter. A nest can have many cells and on the whole will look like a catacomb or honeycomb nest. The nesting material is made from wood pulp that wasps make by mixing wood scraps and their own saliva. They make great nesting material that becomes papery after the initial wetting. Paper wasps can be 3/4th inch or 1-inch and their stings are very painful. Their nests look like umbrella hanging upside down and it is attached with the wick to solid ground or surface. it is easy to identify paper wasp nest.

Yellow jackets

Yellow jackets build nests in most secretive places such as under the ground rodent burrows with multiple exits. Their nests are multilayered honeycomb cells that have one opening that on the ground or beneath the grass. Yellow jacket wasps like paper wasps are social and the nest may hold anywhere between 500 and 1,000 wasps. Yellow jackets have distinctive yellow and black stripes over their body and look similar to bees in appearance.


Hornets or bald faced hornets in Canada build aerial nests and you will find their nests hanging from lofty places. They build nests that look like an elongated football and contain multilayer honeycomb cells. Capacity sometimes can be more than a 1,000 wasps and hornets are bigger in size and start from one-inch and above. They can pack lethal stings that are capable of killing people and pets however they are not as aggressive as yellow jackets and will attack you only when you provoke them.

Mud-dauber wasp

Mud-dauber is absolutely harmless and won’t sting even if you blatantly disturb their mud built horn like nests holding a single baby. They will simply move away from the place and start building pipe like cells with mud made out of dirt collected in your garden and their saliva. They are of no consequence because they do not sting and are solitary wasps. They are black or green or a mixture of both and are highly pronounced with their invisible waist which joins their upper and lower half the body.

Now you can identify what kind of infestation you are having, you can call BBPP, the most successful Pest Control Service Richmond Hill and get rid of the nest. You can contact the pest control on phone number 647-910-6315 or sending mail to info@bbppcanada.com.

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