Interesting Fun Facts You Should Know About Wasps

Wasps are labelled as bad guys when it comes to bugs, truly so, they have devastating stings that could land you in hospital. Wasps are no doubt aggressive when you compare them with bees, but not as useful as bees to human. Wasps act as pollinating agents for plans and help keep environment healthy and the world safe from pollution, but for an individual human or family its nest in their premises always spell trouble. If you have an infestation by wasps, the first thing to do is to call BBPP most professional wasps removal Vaughan and get rid of them. Here we give you some interesting facts about wasps that you should consider before not deciding to exterminate them.

Thousands of wasp species

There are more than 30,000 species of wasps found worldwide and they carry funny or fancy names like fairy wasps, fig wasps, sand wasps, gall wasps, chalcid wasps and tarantula hawks. Most of these wasps species are social except a few that prefers to live alone. These are known as solitary wasps and the mud-dauber wasps is classified as solitary wasp while yellow jackets, and hornets are termed as social wasps. Social wasps live as a big family or group.

Use same stingers for different purpose

Stingers of wasps are used for defending wasps’ nests. Social wasps use them to protect against enemies and keep their children safe. Solitary wasps don’t sting to protect nests but kill insects that they hunt for feeding to their babies.

Wasps hunt insects for food

Bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers but wasps are omnivorous and eat insects when required. Wasps feed on nectar, pollen, other insects available in their environment,. Some of the insects they like to eat include caterpillar, spider, and flies. This way they help farmers to control pests in their field and your kitchen garden.

Wasps can sting repeatedly

Wasps unlike bees that lose their stingers after a bite are able to sting repeatedly. Their stingers work like piston and go in to the skin in the same motion all the time pumping venom in to your body. Stingers are found in female wasps only.

Wasps’ nests are made of wood fibres

Wasps’ nests are special because they are made of natural wood. Wasps scrap wood particles or fibres from log piles, wood railing and tree stumps. This they mix with their own saliva and make paper pulp which is revealed when it becomes dry looks like paper-mâché. Resemblance of their nesting material to paper has also brought the name paper wasps that live in those nests. Mud-dauber wasps make their nest using dirt collected from the ground and water or saliva. They make cylindrical or pipe like single nests to house a single baby and its feed.

Wasps are not hairy

Wasps unlike bees that have enough body hair do have hair on their body or face. Wasps have waists that are paper thin so they look disjointed in the middle.

Asian giant hornet is the biggest

The Asian Giant Hornet with a wing span of over three inches is regarded as the largest of wasp’s species.  Length of their body can be 2-inches or more. They have stingers that are quarter inch long and they can destroy bee hives in matter of minutes. However this species is not found in North America.

Males Die after Mating

In a hive you will find majority of the wasps to be female. They are also known as worker wasps and the biggest of the female is known as the queen. Male wasps die after matting with the queen.

Wasps secrete to Communicate

When attacked a single wasp can summon a group of wasps for support by releasing a pheromone. This way they can launch a mob attack on their enemies.

Wasps come in different colors

The wasps you have known are mostly black and yellow, but there are more colors that wasps are associated with. Some wasps in Australia are green and metallic blue and some wasps can change their colors according to temperature.

The above mentioned facts only have fun value, and they do not give reasons for not exterminating them. If you have wasp infestation of any kind do not hesitate to call BBPP, the best Vaughan Pest Control Service, and get rid of them. contact them on phone number 647-910-6315 or sending mail to to get a free quote.

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