Mice control is necessary in homes, offices and commercial establishments as they pose greater danger if you let them settle and prosper. It is no secret that mice and rats are destructive in nature and we provide the best mice control Thornhill solutions to our clients which is custom made for each. BBPP employs experienced and certified rodent exterminators to get rid of stubborn mice or rat infestations and you can expect them to be guaranteed results. It is important to check whether you have an infestation and also know some facts about the rodents as it will be helpful in getting rid of the infestation smoothly.
Facts About Mice in Your Thornhill Home & Businesses (Shop, Office, Plazas):
Rats and mice come from the order of Rodent and they have many characteristics that are same. There are a few facts such as their continuously growing incisor which is common and others that are unique to each.
- Rats and mice have the same high reproductive rate
- Rats are large in size while mouse is small
- Rats can weigh 200 to 500 grams while mice a mere 20-30grams
- Rats are endowed with stronger build compared to mice
- Rodents are social animals and they live in group or colony
- Mice prefer to live in small groups and are less social
- Rats are omnivorous while mice are herbivorous surviving on vegetarian foods like seeds, fruits and grains
- Rats are excellent swimmers and climbers while mice are good at climbing but not in swimming
- A House Mouse is mostly restricted to homes while rats like outdoors
- Both Rodent species can cause large scale damages in stores, offices, hospitals etc as these are highly resourceful places for nest building
What Do Mice Look for When Nesting or Looking for Food?
Rodents basically move in to home when they need secretive places to build their nests. Driven by harsh nature and predators they take residence in your home or office interiors where they find hideouts and start building nests. Domestic and office environments can offer plenty of nesting materials like clothing, paper, cardboard material, insulation, furniture foam, wood fibres, plant matters etc. When they are on the lookout for food they will raid your kitchen, food shelves, storage cabinets, stores where your horde grains, nuts, seeds, cattle feed, pet food etc. rats look for food crumbs and meat scrapes from trash bins, leftover food from lawn parties, and barns or outhouses where you store cereals, seeds nuts, birdseeds, pet food and cattle feed etc. Rats also raid kitchen when they are unable to find meals outside. Rats are stronger and have stronger teeth to rip open plastic containers and aluminium cans to obtain food. Worst thing about these rodents is they don’t make exceptions when it comes to finding food or nesting materials and will chew, bite, nibble or gnaw anything that comes in their way.
Identifying the Signs of a Mice Infestation in Thornhill
If you have an infestation brewing in your household or office you will find the following signs:
Physical and abstract signs
- Pungent rodent odour you can easily smell and urine stains on the ground
- Small mounds of rat or mouse droppings looking like black rice grain find behind refrigerator, store rooms, rarely visited places, and places that are near their nest.
- Gnaw and scratch marks on wood furniture, railing, doors and frames
- Severed pieces of electric wire, pieces of insulation, ripped furniture upholstery, shredded documents, clothing etc
- Clearly defined runways along the wall and smear of mouse or rat body grease
- Tiny foot marks on dusty surfaces
Sighting by appearance
- It is difficult to see a mouse or rat physically during day time, as they hardly venture out from their nests
- However, sighting is possible when a mouse or rat is extremely hungry and cannot find food elsewhere. Such times they can be on the prowl and provide you the opportunity
- If you see rats and mice activities during day time you may safely assume that you have a larger infestation
Preventing with Mice Infestation in Thornhill with Proper Control
Preventing mice from infesting your house is better than cure. There several ways you can do that such as keeping kitchen, room, lawn and other areas clean and disinfected. Consulting BBPP is a positive move as we happen to be the best mouse control Thornhill in the area.
Why Professional Mice Removal Services in Thornhill are Necessary
Expertise and Experience
Mice removal Thornhill is expert in mice control and extermination. They have tons of experience in handling rodent infestation in your area hence are the first choice for mice removal. They employ expert rodent exterminators who are certified for removing the infestation using special equipments and rodenticide
Time and Cost Efficiency
Our Mice control Thornhill is highly efficient hence can rid infestation quickly saving time and money for you.
Safety and Health Concerns
BBPP pay attention to safety and health of your family members or employees while undertaking mice extermination. Out rodent exterminators observe all safety protocol related to mice removal Thornhill and will use only those chemicals that are environment safe. At no time will they deploy measures that are against the safety of your environment and neighbours.
Effective Solutions
BBPP provides highly effective rodent extermination solutions to households, offices and shops. Each of our mice control Thornhill measures are planned according to state and extent of rodent infestation hence can be comprehensive and economical. Deep knowledge of rodent lifestyle at large occupying homes and offices helps our exterminators to be precise in their mice or rat extermination.
When to Call an Exterminator for Mice in Thornhill?
You should call our mice exterminators in Thornhill when you see increased rodent activity resulting in food and property loss.
Estimated Time for Mice and Rodents to Be Removed
An estimated time for mice or rodent removal cannot be predicted without checking your premises and the extent of rat or mice infestation you are experiencing. Our rodent exterminators will visit your property and check it thoroughly to assess the situation and accordingly give you an estimated time period for mice or rat removal.
How Do Exterminators Get Rid of Mice in Walls?
Mice in walls are complicated issues and we use special mice control measures to extract them. Our exterminators may use certain chemicals or tools that are capable of retrieving rodents out of deep holes or crevices smoothly.
Why Hire Professional Mice Extermination in Thornhill?
Mice extermination Thornhill can prove dangerous if you do not employ our professional mice exterminators. Mice or rat removal from homes and offices are specialist jobs and our exterminators are qualified and certified for the purpose.
Trust Our Guarantee on Our Mouse Control Thornhill Services Near You
BBPP is the most trusted when it comes to mouse control Thornhill, and our 100% success rate with the residents speaks for our guarantee. We have been serving Thornhill and other towns nearby for years and are familiar for providing need specified rodent removal that are guaranteed. Call us on phone number 647-910-6315 or send mail to to get the best rodent removal services that are guaranteed.