How to Get Rid of Mice in the Kitchen?

Keeping mice out of kitchen is a tough job as they keep nibbling and chewing at your food articles and other kitchen items irrespective of it being day or night. Mice are furry little creatures that are extremely speedy when it comes to catching them with hand and you will need the expertise of pest control Milton such as BBPP, the best bugs and pest protection in the area. It could be a horrible experience when you see mice running around your kitchen, jumping over counter tops, peeping from kitchen cabinets and tearing food packets and scattering them all over kitchen shelves. The danger of food contamination is very much there when mice are present at your kitchen and they could also chew wiring of kitchen appliances and render them defunct.

Here are few tips on how to get rid of mice from your kitchen:

Reduce mice population

Mice multiply at surprising speed as female mice could produce 3-14 babies per litter and the number of litters could go up to 10 per year. Try to catch them by setting traps and reduce their population as much as possible. When you use no-kill type traps make sure that you free them way out of your house and area. Also use traps made of metal as mice cannot chew their way out them.

Seal entry

Mice can work their way into even dime-sized holes so make sure to seal them. if you find gaps around the plumbing in the kitchen, sink, near electrical connections to appliances, and behind kitchen cabinets block them immediately. To accomplish this use steel wool and stuff it firmly in the gaps and holes so they don’t come loose at first prodding by mice.  Locating entry points can be difficult for you but for pest control New Market such as BBPP Control, the best bugs and pest Protection Company can do it with consummate ease for you.

Prevent access to food

Leaving food on the kitchen counters, particularly during night may prove disastrous. Before you close kitchen for the night, wipe counters for food crumbs, clean cooking tops, sweep or vacuum the floor. Wash crockery and cutlery used for eating before going to bed and ensure kitchen drain is empty. Pack leftover food in air tight containers and keep them in fridge. Use enclosed tote or container to store pet foods. Mice have great sense of smell and counter tops laced with food smell could attract them.

It will be a better idea to engage BBPP Control, the best pest control Brampton and other surrounded area as they are qualified and experienced to tackle mice problems in your kitchen.

Call us at 647-910-6315 or drop an email at to get a free consultation with us.

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