Where to Find Mice and How to Prevent Infestation?

If you know about rats and mice, you would have gathered that both are not fit to have in your home. Both in their different ways can be worse pests and you must seek ways to eliminate them. But you should first identify whether you have a rat problem or mice problem so the process of extermination becomes easy. Rats being the aggressors are capable of killing mice and eating them, that makes them more dangerous. Mice on the other hand are tiny and can hide themselves in the tightest holes and crevices. They are also very athletic and is capable of beating you in the race with yards ahead. First you must identify and locate these rodents and once it is done you should without hesitation call your neighborhood pest control service like BBPP, the best mouse exterminator Thornhill, and get rid of them.

Where to find mice in home?

Prevention is the best way of getting cure for any problem and you must follow this advice strictly. If you feel or smell mice infestation you can look at the following spots:

  • around doors and windows
  • around foundations
  • around pipes and vents
  • around fireplace
  • around utility lines
  • in floor drains
  • the attic, basement and crawlspace
  • inside closets
  • on the roof, gables, and eaves
  • under cabinets and appliances

These are the places where mice are likely to hide and build nests. You can undertake the following measures to prevent mice entry or infestation:


  • Block small holes with steel wool balls, apply caulk around to keep it in place
  • If holes are larger, then use lath screen, cement, metal screen, metal sheet or hardware cloth to fill the holes
  • Find gaps in skirting, foundation, drywall, basement and crawl spaces and fix them
  • Place traps in places where mice or rats frequent. Select traps according to the rodent’s size
  • Set traps both indoor and outdoor and check them every morning as you would find a catch
  • Clean food spills immediately and remove food scent by using disinfectant
  • Store food items in thick plastic bags and metal containers
  • Wash used dishes regularly
  • Keep outdoor BBQ clean
  • Do not leave pet food in the open and store them in metal or plastic containers
  • Close trashcans tightly with lids and take out trash everyday
  • If you have compost pit keep it at least 100 feet away from home
  • Trim your lawn and cut shrubbery and thickets near home

These are things you have to do to keep mice away, and you have to do it consistently to avert any kind of rodent infestation. If you seal entries before onset of winter you will reduce the chance of mice infestation as they invade homes only when it gets colder outside. By doing all these you will be able to reduce the chances of infestation but if it is already an issue at your home, you should immediately call experts like BBPP, highly effective pest control Thornhill and for nearby areas. You can contact them on phone number 647-910-6315 or by sending email info@bbppcanada.com and get a free quote.

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