When to call a rodent exterminator?

Rodents like rats and mice are fond of living near human and choose their habitat to build nests. They usually find their way in to basement, foundation, wall crevices, attics, barns and exterior rooms to build their nests. You may be unaware of these activities and only come to know when you confront a mice stealing food from your dining table or scurrying across the carpet.  This happens only when you have a advanced rodent infection and you must call professional outfits like BBPP, most effective rodent exterminator Woodbridge to remove them from your house. DIY methods of removal won’t work with bigger infestation hence the call to pest control service.

When to call professionals

  • You may hear strange scratchy noises or screechy chattering during night that you had not heard in the past. If you keep a close watch you will also hear these sounds from inside your walls, under the floor and over your head in false ceilings.
  • Discovery of gnaw or scratch marks on furniture, woodwork and snipped off electric wires or chewed switch panels, insulation and even drywalls
  • When you hear nibbling and scratching form inside your wardrobe or inside drawer chests
  • You will find small heap of rodent droppings in remote places and tiny foot prints on the floor covered with dust
  • If you see closely you will also detect running tracks along the wall made by mice and body grease stains on the wall
  • Spilled grains and pulled out stuffing from old sofas in the barn and chattering sounds in the attic
  • Ripped food packages are signs of advanced and bigger infestation
  • When you enter home after a trip you will detect ammonia like smell which is actually the body odor of rodents
  • Nests made of wood fiber, shredded clothing and cotton wool, sponge like material and snipped bits of wires in isolated and dark areas of home

These are the few symptoms that warn you of rodent infestation. Mice and rat infestation can cause major damage to your structure, furniture, and woodwork. You will soon discover torn carpet, ripped sofa stuffing, rodent droppings inside your personal desk, wardrobe and other concealed places. if you pay attention closely you will also hear sounds emanating from inside your walls. Mice enlarge smaller holes or crevices to make bigger space for establishing nests and when they grow in numbers they will make big commotion. You will wake up in the middle of the night because you hear screechy voices and hurrying feet sounds. If any of these or all signs are detected in your home you can be sure of mice infestation.

Mice infestation not only causes property damage but also contaminate your home surfaces and food items to spread bacteria that are difficult to treat. Rodents are responsible for deadly diseases like Hantavirus, LCMV, Salmonellosis, plague, rat bite fever and tularemia. These are highly contagious and dangerous diseases that cause heart, lungs and digestive system related diseases. If not treated timely with appropriate antibiotics it may escalate and result in to fatalities. If you have mice infestation at home contact BBPP, the most effective pest control Woodbridge immediately on phone number 647 910 6315 or by email to info@bbppcanada.com. This is a professional pest control company which also serves areas that are adjacent to Woodbridge.

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