What Type of Wasps Build Nests in the Ground?

Ground wasps are technically known as Hymenoptera and there are several types of ground wasps that build their homes under the ground. They could include paper wasps, yellow jackets, mud daubers and hornets. Their physical appearance can different but you can locate them with their distinct features of two pairs of wings and the” thread waist” or the constriction between thorax and abdomen of the wasp. Two general categories of wasps inhabit your grounds and they are social wasps and solitary wasps. The solitary wasp build nest where you find only one adult stage insect, where as the social wasps       grow colonies by increased numbers of adult stage insects. When they grown in colonies it will be a big challenge for owners to remove them at such times you should call BBPP, the best Wasps removal Aurora to get it done.

What are the nest sites?

Danger of ground wasps building nests on your ground will depend on their nest position. Wasps that build nests in the heavy foot traffic area outside your home is likely to be threatened and attack you when you pass by. They look for certain types of location when they hunt the ground for building nests and they are

  • Burrows dug by rodents
  • Piles of debris
  • Rotten logs or fallen trees
  • Crawl spaces
  • Attics
  • Wall voids

Are ground wasps harmful?

That depends on the type of wasps infestation you have. Generally they are pollinators and if you keep a distance from them you can avoid harm. But not all species are monks and some of the wasps species like yellow jackets and hornets will attack even if they get a whiff of you scent near their nest or unwitting trod over burrows where they had built their nests. Solitary wasps are relatively harmless, but you cannot say the same about social wasps. If you get close to their nest they will sting you and that can be really painful and you will experience redness and swelling on the stung spot, besides escalation of allergic syndromes in people. Call wasps removal Aurora at once to get rid of them and preferably BBPP the best pest control company operating in the area.

How to rid of Ground Wasps?

Wasps live in congested but orderly nests populated by queen wasps and they could be in the form of adult males, larval and pupal stage insects and immature eggs. A wasps’ nest may have as many as 500 wasps occupying a colony. The young is fed by sterile female wasps workers who go out and collect prey and these are the ones that could deliver stings when you intercept them.  Social ground wasps last a year at maximum but during this time they will defend their nest aggressively and injure people with their venomous stings. The solitary ground wasps nests are build by a single adult female below the ground. They hunt for insects in the garden, thickets, foliage and trees to feed off springs. This kind of ground wasps usually stings their prey to paralyze them but could also sting human when disturbed.

If you detect ground wasps infestation do not attempt to remove them on your own, call BBPP instead, the most effective pest control Aurora on phone number 647-910-6315 or info@bbppcanada.com. They will provide you with a free quote.

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