Wasp infestation at home: how to identify and remove

Wasps are highly dangerous pests because they cause physical pain and agony to human. Wasps are good for environment because they help in the pollination process of plants and also kill insects that eat plants. Wasps are omnivorous thus hunt spiders, beetles, caterpillars and other such species for food besides tasting vegetarian food like nectar. Wasps build nests in most secretive places thus go undetected for a long time. However not all wasps build nests in hidden places because wasps species like paper wasps, mud-daubers and to some extent hornets build open nests in places like your ceiling, walls, trees, attic, and other lofty places. Wasp nests are easy to recognize because of their paper like exterior and the honeycomb cells. As far as you are concerned wasps have no use for you as they are capable of hurting you with their stings. If you confirm the presence of a wasp’ nest the first thing you should do is to call BBPP, most experienced wasps removal services Thornhill and get rid of them immediately.

How to recognize wasp species?

Like we have mentioned in previous blogs, Canada has 4 types of wasps co-existing with human and they are yellow jackets, hornets, paper wasps, and mud-dauber wasps. They can be easily recognized by their body colors and attitude. Wasps are colorful and are made up of multicolor exterior. Yellow jacket is easily identified by its black and yellow stripes around the trunk. They are hairless and have slender body parts that are strung up by a thin waist. They have six legs, two antenna, and two powerful stingers. Hornets are known for their black and white colors and a face which is bald with while markings. It is larger wasp species which is dangerous to confront. They can be between 1-2 inches in length unlike other wasps that are about half to one-inch in length. The Mud-dauber wasps are distinctly built and are black or metallic green or blue. When in flight this wasp species looks as it is disjointed in the middle. A constricted petiole joins both upper and lower body and it is almost invisible making the wasp look disjointed. Wasps can be a combination of brown, black, yellow and white but they are uniformly dangerous when they take refuge in your premises.

Identify them with their nests

Wasps build nests in secretive places or at not so easily accessible places. For example hornets build nests in loftier places such as trees, building tops and other lofty places. Their nest is easily recognizable because it looks globular in shape and the size of a football. Inside the nest will contain several dozen rows of honeycomb cells to accommodate a few hundreds to thousand hornets. Yellow jackets on the other hand build nests in deep voids on the wall, underground burrows abandoned by rodents, under your lawn and nearby thickets and bushes. They build multi-layers of nests that can accommodate 500-1,000 yellow jackets. Paper wasps build umbrella shaped nests that hang from a cord attached to solid surface. This typical upside down umbrella shape of their nests is the giveaway.

If you have an infestation by any of the above wasps your best course of action is to call BBPP, most experienced pest control service Thornhill and get rid of the nest.   Their service coverage also extends to nearby towns and to contact you can use the number 647-910-6315 or by send mail to info@bbppcanada.com and get a free quote.

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