Rodent Infestation: You are in danger of infected with deadly diseases

Rodent infestation like mice or rats is a case of worry because it can result in deadly infections. Rodents are known to carry highly infectious viruses and bacteria in their body fur. They also provide accommodation to parasites like mites, ticks and fleas that are responsible for spreading terminal diseases like Hantavirus, LCMV, tularaemia, plague, rat-bite-fever and more. Mice and rats are despicable characters that care two hoots about you when they setup on destroying your property and plummeting your food stock. With them you have the triple threat of property and food destruction and the inevitable diseases that they can spread if they stay put for a long time. The best advice under the circumstances is to seek help from BBPP, the most successful rodent exterminator Woodbridge and get rid of them without delay.

You are in danger of catching infections

Rats and mice compulsively carry infections either directly or indirectly. Handling the creature or bitten by the parasites that the rodents carry in their fur can spread some of the deadliest infections the world has experienced.


Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is a highly infectious disease which comes in rare category and it can cause life threatening heart and lungs issues. The disease will start with flu like conditions and go on to develop in to more severe conditions rapidly. Immediate hospitalization and treatments with anti-biotic medicines is required for the victim to survive. Any delay can result in fatalities.


Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis is caused by your common House Mouse. It is spread through the droppings, urine and saliva of an infected mouse. Symptoms will start after 8-13 days and  they will include fever, lack of appetite, malaise, headache, muscle ache, nausea and vomiting. If the disease is allowed to progress the patient will suffer from chest pain, paroid pain, testicular pain which apparently will culminate in to more serious health problems. This disease affects pregnant women and people with weak immune system most.


Also known as rabbit fever is found in rodents that inhabit your homes. It is basically a rural disease and it can cause redness and pain in the eyes which usually is accompanied by eye discharge. Escalation of this infection can result in fever, ulcers, abscesses, and regional lymphadenopathy and more.


Plague or “black death” as it was called in the middle centuries is known to have destroyed a whole generation of humanity. Plague starts with fever, chills, headache, and weakness and if not treated timely plague may kill patients. However there is cure for the disease and hospitalization and the consequent treatment with anti-biotic medicines should get you back on the rail.


As it explains it is caused by live rat biting human whether consciously or unconsciously. Is rat-bite-fever serious? It could become serious and attack your cardio vascular system, cause meningitis, and pneumonia. The disease can also infect your blood stream and leading to a death percentage of         7-10.

Not many people know the consequence of harbouring rodents at home and if you have mice or rat infestation you should call professional help such as BBPP, the most effective pest control Woodbridge and get rid of them before they get a chance to spread these infections. You can contact the pest control on phone number 647 910 6315 or e-mail

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