Importance of Pest Management and Mouse Control

It is an enormous task to control rodents in Canada because we have plenty of rats and mice living with us in our homes. Homes are attractive residential prospects because of the easy availability of shelter, food and warmth. The complex nature of house construction provides plenty of concealed places or places that are uninhabited. Basement, attic, car garages, store rooms, sewer lines, wall voids, barn etc are places where mice can hide and remain undetected for seasons.  Pest management is very important and vital because besides food theft by rodents residents are also in danger of getting infected by deadly diseases carried by them. It is also important that you employ professional pest control companies like BBPP, the most efficient Mouse exterminator Maple society and nearby communities to remove infestation.

Why should you exterminate mice?

The following reasons will justify your decision to remove mice infestation from your home.

  • Rodents consume more than 20% of world food supply yours will be a fragment of that
  • Rodents like rats and mice carry deadly infections such as Hantavirus, Plague, Salmonellosis, and Meningitis, rat-bite-fever, LCMV and others. These become incurable after initial failure to treat them.
  • Rodents can spread the above diseases either directly or through a carrier. Example parasites like flea, mite and tick embedded the fur coat of rodents.
  • An approximate 500, 000 are brought to emergency rooms of hospital around the world owing to rodent engineered diseases.
  • Your home will smell of rats and mice which is not exactly the most pleasant experience in your life
  • Rodents with their night activities prevent sound sleep and deny much needed rest
  • When they grow in numbers the racket will be in high decibels as they run, scurry, and scamper on the floor and lofty places like attics. They will chat incessantly and the commotion will prevent you from sleeping.
  • Mice infestation can make you restless and worried because of their capability to inflict damage to households such as destroying food stocks and spreading deadly infections

Rats and mice are repulsive

The repulsive factor with regards to mice and rat is another reason why residents should get rid of them. Rodents can leave distinct foul smelling odor in your costly wardrobe and you will require more than catching mice to get rid of the odor. Rats wallow in sewer and take shelter in sewer pipes and on the same note they also enter your homes. If you are allergic it can be a devastating because of the “Yuk” factor. Sewer rats and house mice are notorious for spreading Hantavirus, Leptospirosis, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCMV), Salmonella and Tularemia. Infection carrying fleas and mites are hidden in the fleece of mouse and they pass the infection with bites and contamination of food materials and water with their droppings, urine, saliva and hair. By direct handling of dead mice with infection or inhaling dust particles of mouse waste mentioned above will transfer the disease to your family members and pets.

How to control rodents?

Home remedies are ineffective against bigger infestation so you should seek professional mice exterminators like BBPP, famed pest control Maple and for other towns nearby. You can contact them on phone 647 910 6315 or email  and get a free quote.

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