Identifying wasps will help in quick elimination of wasps’ nests

Wasps’ nests can be seen hanging from trees or upper storey wall corner? You can also see their nests on lofty tree branches or dark undergrounds of your lawn.  Wherever they have taken refuge it is important to identify them so elimination of wasp’s nests is made easy. Presence of wasps at home is a lurking danger from above or from under your deck. Though there are more than 20,000 species of wasps have been identified Canada suffers mainly from 4 types of wasps. Here we will talk about these wasps and their nests so you could identify the wasp and give feedback to BBPP, efficient wasps removal Bolton and best in business here and for nearby areas.

Identifying Wasps

With a cursory look at their nest it is easy to tell which one is occupying your premises. The four wasp’s species namely yellow jackets, paper wasps, hornets and mud daubers, build nests that look distinctly different from each other. So it is easy to determine the wasps by looking at their nest.

Paper wasps

These are most easily identified wasps due to their upside down umbrella shape papery nest. It is made up of uniform catacomb cells and the nest hangs from the ceiling or tree by the support of a cord. The nest itself is made up of wood pulp and paper wasps put in great artistry while creating the cells.

Yellow jackets

Yellow jackets’ nests are mostly found in concealed places like burrows in your garden, tree barks, and thickets nearby homes. They also make their cells using the wood pulp they make out of wood fiber and their saliva. You will find thousands of wasps living in multi tiers of cells housing thousands of yellow jackets. The nest is always characterized by a single opening.


Bald faced hornets are found in North America and their nest is always 3-feet above the ground and above. You will find globular nests made of wood pulp handing from a tree, or from a window frame. Inside of the nest you will find rows of cells where hornets store their food and babies.  The nest can be the size of a football and are distinct with their appearance. The nest has a single opening for entry and exit.

Mud dauber

As the name suggests this wasp use a paste of dirt and water or saliva to build tubular solitary nests on the wall, window frame, and other solid surfaces found in your home. Mud dauber is solitary wasp and the horn shaped nests usually house a single baby along with a dead spider for food.

Out of the four wasps species you may encounter the yellow jackets are to be dreaded because of their short tempers and fiery stings. It is better to keep a distance with these species because they could attack unprovoked if you go near the nest or cross their flight path. Hornets though not overtly aggressive can be deadly with their sting. Many deaths have been reported across the world caused by hornets’ stings. Paper wasps will sting if you disturb their nest and mud daubers are the least dangerous as they are mostly docile and hardly attack people even if you disturb their nests.

If you find any of these species infesting your home, call BBPP, the most powerful pest control Bolton and for nearby towns and get rid of their nests with surgical efficiency. Wasps’ stings can traumatize you and cause deadly allergies so contact the pest control on phone number 647 910 6315 or by email and get a free quote.

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