How to Rid of Mice From Your Homes?

Mice are tiny, smelly creatures with beady eyes and long tail and despite their small size they can cause great deal of damage to your property when they decide to take asylum under your roof. North America has large scale mice infestation and the main culprits are House Mice, Deer Mice, White Footed Mouse, and Wood Mouse, beside Field and Norway rats. One thing common with them is that they will wreak havoc with your food stock and family health hence it is advised to get rid of them as soon as possible. Mouse are agile creatures that can run faster than you, jump a foot or two, climb heights and swim across water and are generally athletic and acrobatic. They are hard to catch and things will get out of hand when they grow in big colonies needing services of BBPP, expert mouse exterminator Mississauga to eliminate them from your homes.

What damage mice can do for your home?

  • Mice will steal food from shelves and kitchen and waste most of them by spilling food grains on the ground.
  • They will also contaminate food grain and other eatables with their urine, feces and body hair.
  • Contamination of food and surfaces by mice can put you down with diseases like Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, plague, Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, Tularemia, Salmonellosis, Rat-Bite Fever (RBF) and more
  • Mice can chew through your woodwork, insulation, plastic materials, paper, clothing, house wiring, and anything they can get their teeth on. They have sharp incisors that they use with telling effecting resulting in irreparable damage.
  • They will contaminate your surfaces with their droppings, urine, saliva while carrying parasites ticks and fleas carrying the above said viruses. These are easily transmittable to human.
  • Mice and rats also leave a stench and odor that is hard to remove from your rooms. In total they are unhygienic, damaging to property and responsible for contagious disease among inhabitants.

Overall mice are undesirable creatures that gnaw through your structure, defecate and urinate on surfaces and will chew on anything that come across thus reducing homes to rubbles. It is crucial that they are rid of your home premise before the damage reach to property and health reach to very high levels.

How to remove mice infestation?

Catching mice is easier said than done. As we had mentioned earlier they are tiny and athletic and can sprint at great speed at the sight human. Rats have the habit of biting people when they are extremely hungry or when food is not available to them. You can lay place traps all over your home to catch them and it will be effective if their numbers are few. You cannot catch a whole colony or mice with traps and will have to resort to getting professional help. Professional exterminators will use environment safe procedures to the infestation from your home. They are trained and equipped with advanced rodent control equipment and techniques hence will be more successful than a few stray DIY methods. If you have mice infestation at home you should at once call BBPP, the best pest control Mississauga Company and use phone number 647-910-6315 or send mail to to contact them and get free quote.

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