How Paper Wasps Make Their Nests?

Paper wasps derive their name from the way their nests look like, as if made of paper. Paper wasps are great architects as they are able to produce stunning looking artistry while building nests with hexagonal cells of the same dimensions. They look like more of a modern art than a nest built by ferocious wasp species that can sting at will and even without provocation. Wasps are known to be helpers in pollination and assist in the evolvement of plants and in turn the eco-system. But they are not friendly to human when they try to intervene in their lives. Wasps being territorial do not like anyone coming near their rest and if they do so they get agitated and attack them with their venomous stingers. This is the reason why their nests should be removed from a property immediately. If you have one such nest in your home you should at once call BBPP, the most effective wasps nest removal Brampton and exterminate it.

How they make it?

Wasps build nests using pulpy material which is made out of wood scrapings and their own saliva. After mixing the material they set about creating their nest in great detail as you will find those hexagonal cells of same dimensions and aesthetics. A finished paper wasp nest looks circulr hanging from ceiling or tree connected with a piece of stalk thus completing the umbrella look. Paper wasps nests may not be bigger because they do not live in great numbers but wasps like yellow jackets can build huge nests where they would accommodate thousands of their species. The cells of the paper wasp nest are used by the queen to lay eggs and produce off-springs.

Each of the cells contains a larvae and it is provided with the meal containing a chewed caterpillar or similar insect. Wasps take care of their young for extended periods and in order to protect the nest they resort to stinging people and pets when they come near them. Some wasps build their nest in tree cavities, holes dug in the ground or burrows abandoned by rodents. You will also find paper wasps’ nests in basement, attic, barn, crawl space and over hangs. When they make their nests in the tree branches their larvae make great meals for birds. Paper wasps have a life cycle of a year excepting the queen which survives the winter and start raising a family again when cold season wears off.

Remove them for your own safety

You can say that paper wasps are less aggressive and will hardly sting unless you make them do so. However you cannot be careful all the time and will have to live in tension with the fear that a wasp’s nest is hanging overhead. Removing them from your property is the best option before anything untoward thing happens.  Trying to remove paper wasps nest on your could prove to be foolish and dangerous because you could get stung multiple times by a bunch of angry wasps. Trying to flood their nest with water, setting the nest on fire or smashing it with a heavy object will boomerang on you as it is not a comprehensive solution and wasps are likely to survive the attack and mount a counter attack on you immediately. You must call seasoned pest control Brampton such as BBPP, best wasp removal team in the area and you can contact them on 647-910-6315 or send email to and get a free quote.

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