Detect mice infestation at early stage to stop large scale damage to home

Mice are most unwelcome in your homes because they cause large scale damage to property and food materials besides bringing in deadly diseases. In Canada the most commonly found mouse species are house mouse and deer mouse both harmless looking cute pet like creatures with deadly intentions.  Mice can multiple and spread quite speedily as they are capable of breeding 10 litters in a year and each of this litter is ready for breeding within 6 weeks of its birth. You can imagine how dangerous the situation will be at your home in a year. detecting early signs of infestation is the only way to get rid of them and once confirmed exterminate them using experts like BBPP, the most successful mouse exterminator Vaughan and for nearby towns.

What are the signs of mice infestation in your home?

  • Mouse infestation signs may include mouse droppings, urine stains, greasy marks along walls, and mouse hair on the surface. You will also find them on your dining table, food shelves, drawers, wardrobe and other hidden places.
  • Mice require nesting materials like shredded paper, plastic materials, sofa or mattress stuffing, fibrous materials scratched off wood, wire insulations and clothing. If you find trace of these materials strewn around in secluded place you can be sure that a mice nest is in the process of being built.
  • Mice emit a musky odor which is close to ammonia gas and foul to inhale. If you find this intolerable smell enveloping a particular area you can be sure of mice infestation. The smell is especially prominent when you open the door of your rooms after coming from work or stroll.
  • Mice can build nests in most inaccessible places such as wall voids, basement, attic, roof, garage, under the car hood, inside the engine, shoe boxes, behind cooking range, under the sink and behind cabinets etc. You can detect this by the strange sound coming form inside the walls or behind furniture or scurrying sound during nights.
  • Torn open food packets, left over foods on the floor, chewed wire, insulation and plastic containers are other signs that you have mouse infestation.
  • New entry points on walls created by chewing masonry

Mice infestation especially dangerous because of the disease they carry with them. Their droppings, saliva, urine and hairs are highly contaminant and by touching or inhaling particles of any of these you will contract diseases like LCMV, Salmonella, Hantavirus, bubonic plague, Tularemia and Leptospirosis. Mouse also carries parasites like ticks, fleas and mites which have these viruses in their bodies and pass on to human when they come in contact with mouse contaminated surfaces and food items.

Danger of not stopping infestation early

If you do not stop infestation at early stage you will have an army of mice in your home to contend with. You may expect large scale property and food loss during this time and the situation will become uncontrollable by DIY methods like traps and snares and will need professional mice exterminators like BBPP, the best pest control Vaughan and for nearby areas. You can get in touch with them on phone number 647-910-6315 or by sending mail to and get a free quote.

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