BBPP Control

If your home is infested with mice you can catch deadly infections

Letting mice take control of your home will result in ill health, material loss and mental agony. Mice have this tendency to irritate you to maximum by their open assault on your property and wasting food material and contaminating them. You cannot consider them as a pet because they come in hordes and only look …

If your home is infested with mice you can catch deadly infectionsRead More »

Rat facts you must know if you smell rat infestation in home

Rats are found everywhere and no continent is spared where human habitat is found. Rats are medium size rodents with thin tails and belong to the family of genus Rattus and share the same habits with other members of the True Rats groups. However rats are differentiated by their bigger size over mice, thin bodies …

Rat facts you must know if you smell rat infestation in homeRead More »

Are field mice dangerous to you and your property?

Field mice by name appears harmless, some creature that lives in the fields and eat plants and seeds. This mice species carry one of the deadliest rodent engineered disease namely Hantavirus which causes Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome and attack the respiratory system of the victim that may lead to death if not attended with emergency medical …

Are field mice dangerous to you and your property?Read More »