How Long Does It Take to Exterminate Mice?

mouse removal MississaugaA mice exterminator does not actually get rid of the rodent on the spot and at once. It is not like shooting down a domestic animal gone rogue, but retrieving extremely cunning rodents out of their hiding places and removing them from your premises using eco-friendly methods. How long it will take for the mouse removal Mississauga is a question best answered by factors like size of your home and the level of infestation and expert Mice Exterminators like BBPP, the best pest control company in Mississauga.

Inspect home to find the entry points first

The exterminator will lay bait stations, traps or sticky traps and it may take an hour or two to snare the rodent. If the numbers are great it may take several days or weeks. It will depend on several factors so it is judicious to check your home spaces first and block rodent accesses comprehensively. Once you have done it and your home has become reasonably rodent-proof then you must undertake the pest control measures and they will be effective. It is definitely not a matter of hours and will take days or weeks unless you gas the entire household. This would also mean sealing the home completely and vacating inhabitants.

It will be a quicker exercise if the mice are few in numbers but like they say “if you see one you probably have dozens of them”. Drastic measures need to be taken because a female mouse is capable of producing more than a 100 off spring in a year. Mice gestation period is only 21 days and they are capable of breeding immediately after giving birth. It would mean a mouse producing 4-10 litters within a period of every 25 days. They become mature in one and half months and the female mice are ready to breed and give birth to more litters at the above said rate. This way the first 100 babies and their off springs will be capable of producing a generation comprising of 100,000 mice in a year. Now you know how enormous the task of eliminating rodents from your premises is. You will do well to implement measures that will prevent mice from entering your homes and then call the pest control Mississauga, if you spot a mouse or two. That will be more effective and will take few hours or a day or at the most a week or two to clean up the house off rodents.

How Exterminators Get Rid of Mice?

Professional pest control services do not turn your home in to a battle zone and you don’t have to suspend your daily activities while they lay traps and take other pest control measures.

  • They will select strategic means & spots to lure mice and exterminate them
  • They will deploy mice traps at cleverly chosen spots in your home. The spots would include your corners, crawl space, attic and basement of your home. they may not deploy traps in places where food is used or common areas where your family member use them most in a day
  • They may use rodenticides on the exterior and interior and will use them in correct measures

Methods of Extermination of mice may differ from one extermination service to another however it will be a good decision to call BBPP, the best pest control Mississauga for free inspection of your premises before going on with the extermination. You can use the phone number 647-910-6315 to contact the pest control experts.

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